The BILLBOARD EXERCISE is a powerful tool to transform difficult, overwhelming or long-held emotional programming. It is fully self-directed, experiential, and a safe and positive way to create and re-program your body with positive and life-affirming emotions. It is to be done seriously and intentionally.
The Billboard: A Tool for Emotional Transformation
This is not a casual exercise. This is a TRANSFORMATIONAL process that releases a difficult / negative feeling and replaces it with one that the heart embraces with joy.
Before you begin, hold the intention that you will be changed! Find a comfortable place to lie down or recline where you will not be disturbed. If you are inclined to fall asleep easily, sit in a comfortable chair with your legs supported with an ottoman or stool. Meditate for a few minutes into a space of calm and openness.
1. Choose the emotion that you want to transform – I will use ‘unworthy‘ as an example. For the actual exercise you will insert your own emotion.
Choose the NEW emotion that will bring into your body.
2. Close your eyes and allow yourself to feel ‘unworthy‘. Give unworthiness permission to be in your body. For just a few minutes, imagine this feeling is liquid and let it flow through your entire body. Let it be a literal, PHYSICAL experience. Feel the pain, the contraction, the distress. Let ‘unworthy‘ flow through all your body systems – your blood, lymph, nerves. Own it, observe it. Thank it for showing up today and being available for transformation. Hang out with this process for a couple more minutes. This is one time you get to wallow in it! It’s possible you will feel physically in pain, nauseous, anxious. It’s for a short time and important to feel how your body responds to being ‘unworthy’.
3. Now, imagine a huge billboard in front of you, like one of those highway signs. Take this emotion, this word ‘unworthy‘ and pull it out of your body and throw it up on this billboard. Write it in HUGE letters. Let all the little remnants of that feeling flow out of your bloodstream up onto the billboard. Stream it out of your nervous system, out of your lymph system onto the billboard. Pull it out of every part of your heart, your physical heart and your emotional heart and send it up on to the billboard.
Be as aggressive as you want with this. Send your thoughts about this feeling out of your head and onto the billboard. If there is any little piece of this feeling left anywhere in your body, put it on the billboard.
Take a look at the word on the billboard and notice everything about it. How big is it? What color are the letters? Notice their shape, their structure. Are they moving or are they steady?
4. Now focus on your heart, that source of loving energy in the center of your chest. Send a bright beam of pink light from your heart center and focus it on the billboard. As you breathe allow the beam of light to get stronger and brighter. Flood the billboard with light, entirely cover all of it. Let the light brighten the letters. Add heat. One by one let those letters begin to dissolve, melt, drip down the billboard. Use the heart light to erase the letters completely. Use the pink light to scrub the billboard until it is clear, clean, sparkling. Keep doing this until not one single particle of ‘unworthy‘ remains.
5. Now remember your intention for creating a positive emotion. Write the word ‘WORTHY‘ on the billboard. Continue sending your heart light to surround this new word until it glows with light. Allow its light to grow so big that it streams back into your heart. Let the vibration, the energy and frequency of the feeling fill your body. Pull it into your physical heart and circulate it through your body.
Notice how your body feels as it fills with WORTHINESS. Run WORTHINESS down your spine and out into the thousands of fibers of your nervous system. Turn it into liquid and allow it to flow through your muscles and bones and tissue. Feel your body so filled with WORTHINESS that it expands beyond your physical body, creating an aura of WORTHINESS around you.
Spend a few minutes hanging out with this feeling. Feel how wonderful it is to be WORTHY.
6. Now ask your body to anchor and stabilize this feeling. Send this feeling through the bottom of your feet deep into the earth. Ask your body to ground this feeling permanently. Feel WORTHY. BE WORTHY.
7. Thank your body for working with you and being open to this transformation.
Take a few deep breaths, stretch your body. Open your eyes and rest for a few minutes. Drink a glass of room-temperature water. If you have the time, take a short nap.
Complete the process by speaking words of gratitude and appreciation to your body for working so diligently and being so open to this transformation.